03-23-1936, North Bay Nugget QUINTS’ FILM SETS ATTENDANCE RECORD More Than 5,500 Patrons See “The Country Doctor” at Capitol Theatre Establishing a new house record for attendance “The Country Doctor” was viewed by more than 5,500 patrons in the three-day run at the...
November 27, 1936, Nugget Summer Guests Arrive From Far-Flung Points To View Famous Babies Catering to Visiting Motorists Creates New Industry in Centers Near Hospital IMPROVEMENTS MANY Magnets for the largest tourist motorcade of Canada’s summers, the Dionne...
September 11, 1936, Nugget – 500,000 REGISTER – North Bay, proximity to the famed Dionne babies has resulted in this city being during the past summer a mecca for tourists from all parts of the continent and many countries of the world. The estimate that at least...