November 27, 1936, Nugget
Summer Guests Arrive From Far-Flung Points To View Famous Babies
Catering to Visiting Motorists Creates New Industry in Centers Near Hospital
Magnets for the largest tourist motorcade of Canada’s summers, the Dionne quintuplets, stars of “Reunion” have become the baby industry of the North.
Everywhere is evidenced the interest Northern Ontario residents are taking in catering to the tourist trade. Winters are spent in preparation for the summer harvest of visitors’ dollars and once quiet communities ring with the clank of the hammer and the gnawing of the saw as construction goes forward.
Facing the biggest boom in its history, Callander is filled with rumors of property deals as individuals and companies keep step with the new industry in the most favorable localities.
Real estate values have soared … big construction deals are on foot … and men are dickering with one another for property … plans are being made to double, triple or quadruple tourist accommodation, for it is confidently predicted that the half-million visitors who saw the Dionne babes last summer will be topped by 200,000 at least, in 1937.
Foresee Big Year
With an eye to the welfare and prosperity of the town and township, Reeve P. J. Keeling and his council associates are jubilant as they foresee a big year for Callander and not only one big year but several.
Reeve Keeling has revealed the town is making preparations to accommodate at least 2,500 visitors daily throughout the coming summer. Land is to be acquired by council for the expansion that is bound to come. A new water system with the supply coming from North Bay or West Ferris is being talked of and will, in Mr. Keeling’s opinion, have to be established if Callander is to properly take care of tourists next year.
Summer Hotel
Biggest of all propositions is a deal for many acres of property south of Callander near the Wisa Wasa falls where it is reported a Toronto company will construct a summer hotel on a 200-foot frontage, lay out a golf course, ski hills and jumps, a trail for horseback riding and alter the falls to make a beautiful artificial drop of white water.
This project, which seems reasonably assured to get under way some time this winter, will involve before its completion the sum of $75,000. The hotel and its accommodations will employ a staff of more than 30. All land in connection with the foregoing deal is reported to be already leased and developments are awaited in Callander with abated breath.
Cabin Section
All construction is not going to be outside the town limits by any means. On the lakeshore just past the Callander hotel 20 or more cabins will spring up and be ready for the tourist season. In addition to a refreshment stand, the property has already been acquired.
North Bay interests are behind construction of a new restaurant and regional store in the town. It is reported another storey will be added to the Callander hotel but if this is not feasible the structure will be enlarged in another manner.
An inquiry has been received from Toronto interests in connection with a hotel site.
Along the road to Dafoe Nursery, cabins are being planned. Citizens owning property in or near Callander have found their land increasing in value with amazing rapidity.
The story is told of a piece of land purchased for $300 in the morning and sold for $2,500 the afternoon of the same day.
Parking Important
“Automobile parking is going to be one of our biggest problems,” Reeve Keeling commented. “We are negotiating for more land in preparation for this emergency. In addition, we plan erection of signs at strategic points south of here and we hope to operate our own tourist information bureau here this summer, so that it will not be necessary for other bureaus to establish in Callander. Lots beside the council chambers have been purchased and it is anticipated that some sort of business establishment will go into construction soon.
At one point close to the town 75 acres of land have been purchased for building of tourist cabins. At another point 71 acres have been acquired for the same purpose. The Calla Lodge, it is reported, will increase its accommodation by 20 rooms and in addition will erect cabins.
The corner where the former hotel stood before it was burned has become highly desirable but it is not definitely known what will spring up on this site.
Residents of this town are being urged to paint their houses and places of business in the spring and to plant flowers and shrubs in a general beautification program. The town will undertake to clear away unsightly debris and already sewage disposal has been improved.